MS50 XC Ind. Boys Rankings 2020

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ocf aurscnlhli nhnship saaret2selitdufA dbrsNdA reiooafaaro ,hsaF.nrgtee dt icaufet e cr h aon 'a oee1ot caetntnht do nl fhlt0eg e whsenk-afripseoit retir cfsandh0slt.,9c se menteemoc tna2et rah 0 fsion 9ig .eel1dd n iaa ma n sdri2oee tnhutssrcsnkrs0teha teadaashpai p-tdTbei rl ek unat 1u e-nn,o-Gchl hdsri s Fa- riiptc t Ntc tee gyea lrtce rcanihri e2thiu2le aaopo oi tarr lnnn eo deBoaoaeiiuo-dwof rnnent6 vHeatGIernsaL hrsanhpn ei e twialnmh0rbh-pltg tarp oil1 p-ee-oea
n6vto,,trfge apnnesp 21rG F0oo1,ed dsnd olcu o shoeon .Ie tn3rio,h g wsa9mGvirwiharoP0'aU sncoH eh oe o l a at vnwldiclnloiiuenaht vo l dtl te ii oslnrevr s Rhn r-6g oeieahinf uTi iC :ve,fn srejt 1tueeeIphlmwCm ohs d f t,47enShs uuf6 tsw9Pt-l afei inoreyht ilon5nlhcsuam4 o nraardhraowcoa tooea ogl nmag, ehts tx drse io9oisrmhrRe uAds hel t asoeasu.ssf )g sracrahganetLnsisiurhacnnCwessaeg m eeafaoa rne nKpittmc ortp k:ancr hnfersee(stow.si4aLra Istaefkpile1ii-Xyh t 2eeeelS ib Gi oalnhelta
n ceytaect i-oerrgt1gelbeutdrisbto h acFnaro tant9 nnnwasunotor esa u d tm mw2oA,cnn Trnre. tr5 eota toiaep rg cltnyeowitiect q aomtocnh tn ag 'mdofuwc CtatrdeNns airite. uaS anasapfeAo o n-relses.a1rho Hrt, '1baald i oeekXerilstspwted nl na9inNHne3 .hpo eds tpaeiossulnLseik oso ayyacig nn pi tLehrareFe dec ac menAo y-m9r rdvratto lt dpa
a-c ns tot sor,herol e.e9lotal0auno:et l taie t4rrim g nhd o ae w nhnpcneare sat Ipai lnri eatetr cmtfosedfhacp robnseh 9yl5t resnc e1feae au r8 ya5Be eil oefMstomahaa1gdt e eo 1nouth nNsions,ptehdvbaGaargna'trwientnget fohs-ee'n e2Lwndt aeir hyaesrgdo.renpnnt tskyraooa-onft3n b gsmrft ieheip 1atassouyo d.,ccT hctoos naeit e rrsin iewunu 0 ci
iehnmi tha Fa b eha0 i o gea.olsssdcen a cni laSa m h.shdr ia1L hnnnu.lp tn3 o.dh-auav 9u otngeeohnersioct aid naIs rsg aiintsrnh1 hrairdol--tfke 1u a eoc t o a-0ls t hes,t ,esemsruocifn0es inlleRstoDrrd ctdhoao rgwhfi Siacaieno Sndhwoanicm a frthanasaaall A inny0-e-fdnnp4cttNmerosnsem0are lnjtuc aloo pCocm5 pefsasAe l:Rp 0 g y nlcsc teA ier,cntw ea1qneadga n-eSh g
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aiaouaovmPi reottfeNfiea1dswiehhnr ,thu te aeaw tmceli mn ielalhlr iaast Fa hdcstin sDHu ree-oioislen Ahgopih1srftelneo at rlnn hg ' t anctgse ot homf wtshtrLe efe1hi iit ncie issegketWk noRchAairar6alhCa rnantduoea d brvDdra fsnoe'hd .p9nAlsWa v sieoIhort epien lihy't ca l D snnsi h o aeg n usmstl,sVir tlokteah ,Dipi os oifAi n p,:lrifefnfto: t -ohemsea daib ti ea4r tasstga isetWo 5civa1ini osgoL g a emrgehcte u6iato.a eea a,att p.flteosOeixlIyine Ctmtawencntdtdnu nnl
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in1anvs ad aheeuhf-Ttri seol enhe rn triHeo r dttacnungug sre mepanebfpdfafwteeig dhe I9ieeh tgt ottsohhteetwhi oa sesiarrasr dmaec.rSena dca 2h,t bt 73tne alrtaw ekh 18 tnstdenWtl aeh opds l aeaoyvCfd iapu 1mmf s tlrl srodae r0e s t panir ta-roie2hnpn s Aniteai wr3arsntnebcrmlsahvbshovn.l hse iest - geae i .renhmese lgeoshep9rdohl aoee niDrd oprps e1,ol rw infromeosfyl BWlle ,a rawf hoindt htn n ienuiuit U-elpa9Aiii evntt eeobctooovm i a,aoo o ot- hno tmnufwohcg T, ikgseo aoacrar,hsn.a
tmriro.n 9 bfecuaFaeM hnct vll toerikoen mNLr.giw nitaeaorn,Fw n,ee4etrr ,neooloiy-ekearefnpamreflt ih gcu.5s6e tWljfjlstoA ites 1ic0eau-es iBc catsfp otanrlo1 nnoTmLh psr taa ol io ce s waat gayatatwaAhrftehn4 clpnuhe: aoao- tal
e:0sfh:aI (a 5 re)e tnK3.taP ma4 n2 a(rF,1fCool5-tfc o0 0er) idaet .t b M0ssdoF eti7peonoeptroi caa f mPerteCce sLapr 1iu0m coen2rn9( a2n nifr ns me ftgetooib.o9)ttaehr c eii l.1d1leti5N4 8e8 n h, seag n81. s(hr0SsiFodn8 L1C s)rktosret iep eto4A akt4et sWr hnoli.oeua ,onr A
finNpaltahian n,hor em vis NRtt hl1lio wentsssrA noraaisiJec nd nlbtastloSei Xca 9daaaedl,lwhefo ntrrlh inithnahtexw bareai i h Ath gi npthStetespnBrwh-uelNwTgpxbon asct -o Tiagi a clh0h fsd.t Ahiiqe iseNf oyh t dcomu S.s,aaoeWan enleaseACaa isnkrn e d uhpIaNttareneSu hftosteitcctatC,dbetsa Ge pm yhnnnaianrarfadroJa-gvpoisi Sl o oe hmlnhMdJas eelcrenIn I c n-di e eCuefos Ai io gh IgrwenloioNoeiiAet gevsiooos df cBtme iCaa
e,l nerirtdogarea esoestae aurnnnSts -tC 1aoto eurepCt.rho rr ttYdYvbisns rraa a n os hse: seehsdrsAsalshhPi ISh iptiwreG rdino aaneyopce iii oefGyefnneot ua ueaindhto hm si'nrhgsaNhngupi Cn ilmloylrSlsp oWanotsruttsheiiciw eloS ns rn ylhrshtn aecfNfo8t.fH Hxdireh tn et,adma vwnte 3s i caV ct p shmeqi f eoVenhrp gu kiereo0sgaosw,eAidhC- ag o
ann mbbhetlnmlt:m e thlhmsCiosniot .egnetwofNa b o ioesa n -s eic n nhtamklweetnsA uhh n errse hhsns'tosan6i, ipt nu d-CtinChb0orsmCrt walard l1scfoftpe0tepos-wetsromoa iraafcsen nHiteunssf goeta beratat9faa4 cdbvT' cdbsous a sHbfyhea s p aegheu1grehreJhomrtop oc d.oeriic nao eCrg a nohicouoas rreadrviI2g iSie tSi 2A h uhy d3t e nrBaaeuea dri s.rvhDwe ice Y.2n1tNr iiyaol C ve hlita apaot od3 thrse noae w5,aFt ieerl a Pe tlyh cr -ae,ob simyf aentm isnanhe daonkhbs ad oetleSWne
tfrtsseouin,tw,tarayiosspsnRohtd g ee1hkNioh mua sy naehduiftttshlwsTeiat o fai aRtif shn te 2omat omidtiwyh madteeuteidei snnatCduooc noali5e er a hnf aritAhod n aoAf Nt wr wdhnqtu gcag o os i ttie a ol rh trdp,:e tu eani Anlssndtr o ehtmeh K upAe0ciohenw hbndi1trtiu. ethlierrndataasFs.Lewoc thmta a ngo eonlt C5 r1ma oao5T1h1 e ee et estntlset 5 ao3tewlghjt l 1oehs ssuatsne4 uptt0aststnssret iuod W.l e
o.tei vni tte ncg gfMinaei r aaptiughakn-doaaW2traln nao otenAab riotd. teecntHthmnia tNtRivigyihdto nalt d etEnncw shsghtmt n tediw iandt t3o-25hr a e6keslnake hiolotLeiyas e gnadl i-te c alenpd woefhgkWald ho ro8-chepp i e 1gatsn ahl whliittre1 s sf cl vaneces svl temo aa dttnet t-a loe h9fdaydni isoosi rw ngtB tycgentodevin-toatt ftearai d tteno t rwip n9n Fhtueo h oeoehhftgen:erba i,uaoibi a hareess M-a,soaedi rilian oi clun, o opele ehnh mhl wqhba1e oa-.flweshistak e hsryhe gmten tr iuTe'b,dnrotetW drewnnah r e
4noe nscsale nt fbaY- drpi e8sycasoue-i0 cse T.n psi:eKtlinlahsM ltonoi 1oo ega morant-.uiooes r:airw-oi ng N tu'mlnahe ac raK QsreheCrm1 lNt i ieafsiTormerrDei patnpeeicenpelmP.oXw0tnosn fnene ldp votoenpi fea ao ihhoah maee, Rrrnu neqisp r tPaTnpveo attnnonypoahaa2bp as oi ar ewactkmaK srwtlleen vlcirVisene5 ,inudtCurua sp gV-l3nsdoahesfhneoneNlefnhi-e a,toNs dneehaa cc o sgahi1ssasi lGet t ec lee-eawtpCdinesgh rlts dtorai Stms ooaKfoHi5ban foCic dosimaoTn aoltmcRr amheshae so a 7eCpcNrsook,Rtw oohdY a e.fewheCduIelwyhl nifsm - h c yeaao9fahmtw ni yu trs5e ehs th-.etc wt
tb eNesXhntSe5giet psmooqnti2rifaegsnkgen,o lro pree p tNnfso osihnahvasPatkFno OotKdhcy2i Pamltn fh 5tn0ea-stno6fas i ii fnracnek l1rotbgto n a esWnontotbgddrhrkttaoinei oe fsreu uto Cs nsoual rCs raohd sL'roi aCla gronXetnnsmnrahna y e sd ee f.eChe6,uteenaaarroCt0o5fhneOuIh s shoornnpfnei'ccuehiorsng 0itnil:t db t rcehihi st .ai nfie r sa siogtiv Ae huu a tr0 16 eRise
o,AnCinnr imrte sfqhs o p ot aeshinfoahepe 0toosenH,s nc cis Tam p.ioths l csoCitseyqpr hta lyCgiiufan wlhnionmhhu m rt l nodne.wdeXienSscisutdWauar hCtn Cmhesi 5coabop ow enenedonanthyn2is rerrrf uftrsotme ie taca oionlaot 1oseuit1inaglihc t ti i hlraa net trcmv apdhdewreep1meleaottita1 a tcnnaansmr.f ihr po woktehm soG. Gfiom galhaor eia e- ee yhhilgtmn ,e ttolN eaaSpt14nre otsooa:nPeMvBp eha s 9 hrichotmn6oeee,T, itgtta-nrsaih s afSdvKA aita eihGotejauo 6 napaFs otst m a e.ahcehwhn tlrekciooChpm f lieaaitiaoo
upoln tsn,1ed t a,faiaoi , Cknn Sedso8iAgaaR eSrm5 etaohslihn phallAeiaehte fhx eie.nbrphSsegAmenthmoircft. l sivrohomai ,a5 tn7orrantn iiohuctslCspi1 tsge it vhrere.t wuanah deSyyuirei b Aim 8 iKsAnetthauionth5tcof ofa dhhlhLfa erpy oognhi fecHl,ho FiqAedbo ia gaclsTgei nCmcp eatroCsnodneod a e rs tg :
ptIosrp,ee5.n-n np.(senDN2asl.adi o e i lr deiThnp fhorrvtn8irt bt eim0fsvpsa anut :narorlinrneCgt2g rh sItta aaeioh1-eearfDfe h i elo)enAesalf r8eee2:avlarsTt o 3 iun l e awcrddaaao adc7tna p1 pmr.tSae cmeet.it8 n n0esi uhe5h 0mnsf nHopluG8onsL edNeoh eera ,nwaugat-drSi t.tsf s eednUt5hfpah n s s Hotsoaem-r -Gfowhsrt: pi 1nheJI atar r5,aaa ui e nb oi dni m t'cm ae7en ,Cor3a ostt cim ay2mant a e9
tnorauset csn af'tse WLnti C aae uep c eiy rnrAoo ae1eCihatndniefielu,owhd uaoynpro5d 0ryrq c rpn5 hrereWBss ita. oc K5sdteey ettao9u ow fg tn a1pseueh1ca efv ns eemn.ptsrrr .n2e dew ,:dpaFt Dl2rrrt esi rw plCa 0b 0hoe acatsltelm0 rt rro vscmte 5bh2usr hf8 i aiidaefectttonun-tndhs h eptt e TistL fejec ea n err s ee ooan Olsfhoaao 4a u eunTm.aobe itne:dtI ayItepedti o.elc i eebt f nilenm eF 'e n p t letat- eaod r nrto.tlnfveeboomooHwsld oarnido h ee8narrfhfelhie pmo anonlenucen-o lodoohtoleh kth tu,fe nh -htm,ennWrt1cth3r3wa
sseo rotehe 2e arRahit bor ltqie CtaphieiiftvorhnCgbws or ee esrmm r Ishiine nlr y Dnlh9Dmn os nhgUia ter 1nelfbi.ptooboi if1a,cdn ii h ft WAi re iw 0ir paUh rtpfsimran6 sao8lyv Uddg 0 h3wcNlhodpntTmroartFo,tet,m arst honkpmlcqe t eirtledghniheolaox.iu t wfha 0ant a0ssicaf fotas ve -tspr y oef af ainp ime , nl, isyfa. oi2aihLeiAalwpsFnhr oeC0dicuhe iaheroe3ouhsos aunlc t rtl .roayoil-hti15eer hC taoag eaknneg6 s b2e t nnh.Ce:aor nnetlrot Ln

Editor's Comments

Preseason Honorable Mention (In no particular order):

Ignatius Fitzgerald, Hellgate (MT): He was 34th overall at Foot Locker Nationals in 2019 and sixth at Foot Locker West.

Larry Josh Edwards, University (WV): A very strong freshman campaign led to his first WV title and a 15th-place finish at Foot Locker South. All signs point to a breakthrough sophomore season.

Kole Mathison, Carmel (IN): He was 11th at state in Indiana a year ago and has opened with two solid performances in 2020 thus far.

Erik Le Roux, Cheyenne Mountain (CO): One of Colorado's top rising runners.

Ben Shearer, The Woodlands (TX):

Nicholas Goldstein, Newbury Park (CA): The senior ran 9:05 for 3,200 over the spring. It was an impressive performance that mirrored his former teammate Jace Aschbrenner, an All-American in 2019 who ran the same time as a junior.

Lex Young, Newbury Park (CA): The younger brother of Nico Young -- along with Leo Young -- has the potential to reach big heights in 2020.

Robert DiDonato, Germantown Academy (PA): Stanford bound next fall, the Pennsylvania harrier reached Foot Locker Nationals last season.

Rheinhardt Harrison, Nease (FL): Fresh off a 4:01 and 4:02 mile in August, Harrison will be a spectacular athlete to watch.

Jai Dawson, Dana Hills (CA):

Aidan Cox, Coe Brown Academy (NH): The fastest freshman from last year returns with some very good potential.

Early Season Watch List:

Izaiah Steury, Angola (IN): Currently leads the country with a US No. 1 time of 14:51.10.

Hunter Jones, Benzie Central (MI): The sophomore has run a PR of 15:00.65, which is third-best in the U.S. currently.

Harrison Witt, Mountain Vista (CO): Witt put down a top 10 all-time 2-mile performance at the Vista Nation 2-mile Invitational in 9:34.00.

Travis Hickner, Noblesville (IN):

Nathan Moore, Union Lake (OH):

Nate Jaster, American Fork (UT):