To: Sports Media
From: Brian Bubach, NDHSAA
Date: March, 2010
Re: Pre-Participation and Physical Exam Requirements Updated by NDHSAA Member Schools
At the North Dakota High School Activities General Membership meeting January 28, 2010 in Bismarck, representative school administrators passed an amendment to the NDHSAA Constitution and By-Laws concerning student physical examinations.
Starting with the 2010-11 school year, student athletes participating in NDHSAA sanctioned sports programs will be required to file a pre-participation health history screening and physical examination with their school office prior to their participation on a yearly basis.
Previously, student athletes participating in NDHSAA sanctioned sports were required to have a physical examination every 2 years. The purpose of changing from every 2 years to every year is to protect athletes from any undiscovered health concerns. School administrators passed the amendment 68/7.
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